Today, America celebrates our military veterans for their selfless sacrifice to see to our freedom. We are honored and humbled to have eight military veterans in our Moroch family and thank them for their service. As a fun way to show our support for all who’ve given, we’ve created The Moroch Veterans Day Push-up Challenge—11 pushups for the 11th of November.
To participate, please shoot and submit a selfie/video of you doing 11 push-ups today. There are 2 separate ways to share your video. Upload your challenge video to Instagram and/or YouTube with the hashtag
#PushUpsForVets so we can find your video and share it at And secondly, upload your video to our Facebook page
Thank you to our Moroch Vets:
Tom Moroch
Kent Kimberlain
Jim Larivee
Kristinia Miller
Russell Parker
Mike Potter
Bill Shearer
Cristina Vilella