Congratulations to the October Morochians of the Month! These stellar individuals are recognized through the Morochians of the Month program to reward employees who exceed expectations and shine for all of their contributions and efforts each month.
Holly Rodriguez
Project Manager, Dallas
Holly has made significant contributions to not just the media team, but Moroch as a whole. In addition to being an important leader by helping move and evolve our team in the ever-changing media landscape, Holly had the opportunity to directly impact the most significant new business pitch the media department has ever had. With Holly positioned as the lead on a media-driven account, the pressure was on for her to learn the business, engage and meet corporate and field marketing teams, develop a 2016 strategy and present over 13 hours of content through 4 client presentations. The client called Holly a rock star, and that was truly what we saw as well. Holly is a team player. She takes ownership, pushes people to be their best, doesn’t quit and is genuinely fun to work with through all of that. We have a lot to be grateful for with Holly on our team!
Fancy Montoya
Print Production, Dallas
Fancy consistently goes above and beyond, but this month she pulled the ‘rabbit out of the hat’ for our client. Three days before Labor Day weekend, we got an urgent request from our client to print some coupons, since their own vendor had dropped the ball. This began as some small-sized coupons, approximately 10,000 quantity, but quickly turned into a larger size piece and almost 100,000 pieces. That means more paper, more press time and printing the day before a long holiday weekend! Fancy called numerous vendors for hours, trying to find someone who had available paper stock and available press time. She talked about solutions rather than problems. At times the printers actually laughed at her request, but finally after hours of phone calls, she found a vendor who could pull it off and in turn, Moroch came to the rescue of our client!
Rachel Armstrong
Account Coordinator, Milwaukee
Rachel has exemplified the Moroch Principle: Take Ownership ever since she joined our team at the beginning of this year. While she is quickly becoming a master at keeping us all in check, she is more than cognizant of approaching/attacking the problem, never the person. Rachel is curious and takes the time to understand the bigger picture of her tasks so that she can execute to a high level, always meeting or exceeding expectations. Rachel has also completely taken over meeting prep and logistics, supporting her team and ensuring everything will go flawlessly the day of, which is an invaluable asset and skill. Rachel is more than deserving of a moment to shine for her dedication to producing great work. Additionally, her passionate attitude spills over to the rest of the team and we all get more passionate because of it. She’s a true Champ!
Jennifer Tracy
Account Executive, Norfolk
Over the summer, Jenn went above and beyond as our Senior Account Executive in Norfolk. Although Jenn already handles all day to day execution in the Tidewater market, she recently pitched in when our team was short a PR/Communications specialist. Jenn served as the Moroch representative, attending all PR-related events or incidents, in addition to working closely with the PR team to ensure nothing fell through the cracks while we searched for a new team member. Most recently, Jenn put together a comprehensive client campaign plan with very little lead time, organizing all behind the scenes needs to make sure that this launch is the best it can be in our market. We appreciate the passion Jenn has for the business and are lucky to have her on the team!