Morochians of the Month: November 2015

Congratulations to the November Morochians of the Month! These stellar individuals are recognized through the Morochians of the Month program to reward employees who exceed expectations and shine for all of their contributions and efforts.   November Morochians of the MonthKristin Smith Client Relations Specialist, Dallas Leading an integration effort is hard work – merging two different agencies, processes, personalities into the new LimeGreen Moroch over the past four months has required an endless stream of meetings, late nights, and coordinated efforts. As we’ve come across many obstacles, Kristin has always been able to talk about solutions and has taken full ownership of launching this new entity.  From ensuring the transition from to took place flawlessly, to announcing the new entity at NBMOA, to creating and helping manage the trinkets we’ve given to owners, to managing the endless list of accounting needs, Kristin has been relentless in attacking every problem that comes up and is always looking for ways to make every process better.  Although the integration is far from complete, we want to recognize her determination to do what’s right and not give up!   November Morochians of the MonthKristen Hamilton Senior Media Planner, Dallas Over the past several months, Kristen has consistently made significant contributions that not only impact the overall product her team puts in front of the client, but also the behind the scenes pieces that make our internal workflow planning much more streamlined. To start, Kristen has been an integral part of our new buying/billing platform team, involved in intense training/work sessions, set up and testing.  Additionally, Kristen has spent many hours over the last several months creating a tool that is instrumental to streamlining her team’s workflow and reducing potential errors. Throughout this entire process she questioned why and thought through each step to make sure we were setting everything up to be smarter and more efficient. On top of this, Kristen has gone above and beyond in delivering her normal planning duties, managing seven high profile markets across four regions. She continues to raise the bar to exciting levels and is truly a pleasure to work with!   November Morochians of the MonthBethany Wilcox Senior Account Executive, Denver Since Bethany joined the Denver team a little over six months ago, she has been a total rock star.  From her first meeting, she’s been wowing our clients with her personality, knowledge, and dedication to their business. She cares about our clients and takes time to truly get to know about their lives and connect with them on a personal level. Bethany recently assumed the role as the team’s tech guru, providing clients with new reputation management tools and helping them understand the functions and benefits. She’s also found ways to make client meetings more fun, incorporating polling tools and “word bubbles” into planning meetings. Bethany does a wonderful job of keeping us all entertained with her hilarious anecdotes and sense of humor, reminding us all that even in the craziness we all have to take time to enjoy yourself. She exemplifies Moroch’s principles day in and day out and truly deserves this recognition as Morochian of the Month!   November Morochians of the MonthLana Avila Account Supervisor, Sacramento Even though Lana is an Account Supervisor, over the past three months with one team member down, Lana took ownership and stepped into the Account Executive Role. During this time she continued to train the Account Service staff about Moroch, the business and putting our team in the best position to grow. Although Lana was taking on an extra role during this time, she was still able to exceed expectations with her training and in turn, two of her team members were promoted. On top of all of this, with Lana’s leadership, the Sacramento team just completed the initial round of client planning meetings for four Co-ops. For the past nine years, we’ve been honored to have Lana as a member of our Moroch family. This month, we’re honored to congratulate Lana for her efforts and for this much deserved Morochian of the Month recognition!
posted on
November 2, 2015
written by
Monica Esposito