Michael Coleman
Account Service Intern, Dallas
What’s up! Call this guy Mike. He’s majoring in Advertising at the University of Texas at Arlington, graduating in December 2014. He loves basketball, tennis and video games. If you give him a box of nilla wafers (nilla, not vanilla) and Netflix, he’s good for the day. He works with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on a local, state and national level. Mike is just a cool guy trying to stay fly.
Stephanie Gentile
Public Relations Intern, Dallas
Stephanie grew up on the Jersey Shore, which explains her tan skin and ambitious personality. It was her loud voice and her small size that brought her down to Texas as the coxswain on the SMU Rowing Team. In other words, she’s the little one who sits in the front of the boat and yells at everyone. This natural knack for telling people things exactly as they happen is what drew her to PR.
Jess Fay
Creative Intern, Dallas
Jess is a student at Texas Christian University studying graphic design. She loves the web, design, beauty and things that are enjoyable to use. Jess doesn’t have just a few of hobbies that she loves. She believes there is so much to be interested in, to learn about, and to pour one’s creativity into. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, computers, cars, drawing, brain teasers, college football (Go Horned Frogs!), photography, and traveling. Jess’ plan for life is to always be happy.
Ashley Moon
Account Service Intern, Dallas
Ashley is an adventurous and ambitious media artist. She uses her skills in photography, video and writing to offer a refreshing view of the world. She loves travel, people, coffee and music.
Jayci Goss
Account Service and New Business Intern, Dallas
Jayci is a Dallas native who will begin her senior year at the University of Arkansas (Woo Pigs!) this fall. She is an Advertising/Public Relations major serving as the President of the Advertising Club. She is a lover of dogs, books, chocolates, and traveling. She enjoys spending time with her AOII sorority sisters as well as with her twin sister. Jayci plans to work in account service and never ever do math again after graduating.
Alexis Gliedt
Account Service Intern, San Antonio
Alexis was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. She will be a sophomore this upcoming year at Oklahoma State University (GO POKES!), where she originally planned on becoming a veterinarian, but quickly changed her major to strategic communications after taking dreaded chemistry. She enjoys hiking, stand up paddle boarding, yoga, baking, reading, and watching SNL and old black and white films. She knows every line of the Breakfast Club, loves Frank Sinatra, has a hamster named Nugget and a beta fish named Gillbert.
Andy Zike
Movie Intern, Ft. Lauderdale
Andy is a senior at the University of Miami majoring in Motion Picture & Television Business and minoring in Business Administration. At UM he sits on the school programming board, works for the school’s basketball team, and has a sports talk show on the campus radio station! He loves playing basketball and is really good at movie trivia. Think you can beat him at either? You can’t!
John “Jack” Scari
Account Service Intern, Philadelphia
Jack goes to Saint Joseph’s University and is a Food Marketing Major, so being with Moroch’s Philly office has been a great fit for him since he started in February. However, being from New Jersey and loving the Yankees and Giants there have been some ehhhh moments! But seriously he does love sports, hanging out with his buddies and family. For Jack the perfect day should include a beach, olShwayze’s 1st two albums, a couple of surf boards, and a full cooler! Jack believes Moroch truly has been a great place to intern at and can’t wait to see what the future holds!
Daniel Urdialez
Account Service Intern, San Antonio
Daniel grew up in San Antonio and is rumored to be picked up by the San Antonio Spurs in his off season as a quarterback. He can be seen exploring the outdoors or peacefully taking a nap somewhere. His interests include going to shows, taking road trips, and tactfully inserting corny jokes into a conversation.
Melissa Castillo
Movie Intern, New Orleans
Melissa is from New Orleans, LA. Her favorite things to do in NOLA are act like a tourist and experience all the city can offer! One of her favorite places in New Orleans is the City Park Botanical Garden where they have all sorts of funky and beautiful flowers/plants. She graduates from the University of New Orleans in December 2014 and couldn’t be happier. She also helps run the Laser Tag of Metairie, where business is always pleasure.
Abbie Beltran
Broadcast Production Intern
Abbie just graduated this past May from the University of Texas at Arlington. While some people prefer to watch sports at a sports bar, Abbie prefers watching chopped on the food network. Abbie spends her weekends longboarding, fishing and visiting the dog park. If Abbie had $1,000,000 today, she’d buy two puppies, five packages of jolly rangers, one goldfish, and a boat.
Francisco Lara
PR iNSPIRE Intern, Dallas
Francisco is our token high school intern (props to him). He is pretty proud of himself for having an internship at such a young age (16), and likes to see people’s reactions when he says this. He’s still not sure what’s in store for his future, but he’s definitely headed in a good direction. This internship experience has taught him so much about the real world and helped him learn a little bit about who he is. He thanks all of the Morochians for everything they’ve taught him and for being awesome!
Michael Coleman
Stephanie Gentile
Jess Fay
Ashley Moon
Jayci Goss
Alexis Gliedt
Andy Zike
Jack Scari
Daniel Urdialez
Melissa Castillo
Abbie Beltran
Francisco Lara